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Do I believe in the 'glass ceiling’?

Can women build successful careers in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)? How do women attain leadership positions in male-dominated fields? What are the actual and perceived barriers for women in STEM? In this workshop, we explore stereotypes and examine the reality with university students who are considering a career path in STEM.

We will hear from consultants, engineers, scientists, and graduate students on the following topics: 

* women who pursue STEM subjects for postgraduate studies
* international experience in academia in a male-dominated workspace
* team leading in the industry

* work-life balance - more challenging for women than men?

* are women selling themselves short in a perceived 'Man's World'?


Is this workshop only for female students? No! All students are welcome! A more balanced work environment will benefit men and women.

We highly encourage all female participants to invite their partners to this workshop! 

Attendees should sign up here until 19 January 2017 for our planning purposes.


This workshop takes place at the University of Freiburg and is free-of-charge for all students.


Date:                      Saturday, 21 January 2017

Time and Venue: 10:00-13:00          Kollegiengebaeude I, HS 1015

                             14:00-17:00         Kollegiengebaeude I, HS 1016 and 1021


See map:





10:00-10:10          Introduction


10:10-10:40          Dr. phil. Marion Mangelsdorf, Managing Director of Gender Studies, University of Freiburg

                                “Unconscious Bias in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics”


10:40-11:20          Dr. Philipp Gramlich, Co-founder of NaturalScience.Careers

                               “Plugging the leaky pipeline: challenges for women in STEM subjects”


11:20-11:30          Coffee Break (coffee provided)


11:30-12:00          Dr. Martina Jänicke, Head of Epidemiology in Clinical Research

                               “Fight or flight? Female perspectives from outside of academia.”


12:00-12:30          Dr. Philipp Gramlich

                                “Genderlect: one lab, two languages?”


12:30-13:00         Dr. Daria Onichtchouk, Group Leader, University of Freiburg

“A biologist in the changing world: case study”


13:00-14:00          Lunch break


14:00-15:20          Panel Discussion I & II (in two rooms)


                               Panel I

                               i) Work-life balance: what are my personal priorities?

ii) Partner choice and communication

iii) Asking for what I want: negotiations at the workplace


Panel II

i) Creating milestones for achieving my goals

ii) Awareness towards different styles of communication

iii) Approaches for overcoming unconscious bias at the workplace

iv) Seeking mentorship




Marie Theresa Alt, M Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, PhD Candidate in Biomedical Microtechnology, University of Freiburg

Dr. Anja Basters, Structural Biologist, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel

Maxi Deliah Frei, M Sc. in Physics, PhD Candidate at Faculty of Engineering, University of Freiburg

Dr. Kathrin Frenzel, Account Manager for Pharmaceutical Marketing, Freiburg

Dr. Philipp Gramlich, Co-founder of NaturalScience.Careers, Munich

Dr. Nora Hagemeyer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Neuropathology, Freiburg

Dr. Martina Jänicke, Head of Epidemiology in Clinical Research, Freiburg

Dr. Julia Mahler, Senior Manager of Regulatory Operations, Mannheim

Dr. Daria Onichtchouk, Group Leader, University of Freiburg

Dr. Tuan Leng TayNeuroscientist, University Medical Centre of Freiburg


15:20-15:40          Coffee Break (coffee provided)


15:40-16:55          Panel Discussion I & II (switch groups)


16:55-17:00          Closing remarks


Contact person: Dr. Tuan Leng Tay